Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Other services, documents, literature"

  • MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Orovnica 230
    Top Company
  • MAPRO Solution a.s.

    MAPRO Solution a.s.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Bystrovany 339
    Top Company
  • A-OMEGA, s.r.o.

    A-OMEGA, s.r.o.

    A-OMEGA, ltd. has more than 15-year experience of personnel consulting, organizing consulting, education and project management, more than 6-year...
    Agátová 5525/9
  • Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora

    Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora

    SOPK - an independent representative of a market economy, which protects the interests of businesses, promotes the development and expansion of...
    Jilemnického 2