About portal

PlasticPortal® - professional portal for the plastics industry 

PlasticPortal® is a professional and comprehensive portal focused on the plastics industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Since 2009, it has been building a strong market position, providing companies with valuable tools for growth, new business opportunities and the opportunity to become part of a dynamically developing community of plastics manufacturers.

Main sections of the portal

Company Directory

The largest and most up-to-date database of companies in the plastics industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This detailed industry database allows users to easily contact companies, send offers and inquiries.

Professional articles and news

Publication of professional articles and current news from the plastics industry on a daily basis. Information on trends, technological innovations and developments in the plastics market, allowing you to better navigate the dynamic environment of the plastics industry. 


Line advertising is used to sell, buy and collaborate in the plastics industry, while personnel advertising enables efficient search for skilled workers in the industry. 

Trade fairs and seminars

Information on key events in the plastics industry that present opportunities for networking and developing professional knowledge. 

Professional resources and databases

Information on current raw material prices, material sheets and access to professional literature. 

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