Obchodní společnost Kredit, spol. s r.o. works in the field of production and delivery of professional storage technologies.
It specializes in manufacturing mobile devices and delivering dynamic storage systems.
Kredit products are requested by customers due to:
- high technical level
- utility values
- complexity of our services
- reliable distribution network
- of a fair price
Assortment / Services
Stationary storage:
- pallet racks »
- console racks »
- shelving racks »
- drive racks - drive in
- from pallet racks
- from shelving racks
Storage platforms:
- from rolled profiles
Dynamic storage:
- mobile pallet racks
- mobile console racks
- console shelves with sliding arms
- mobile shelving racks
- drawer racks - Drivebox, Dynamouldbox
- gravity shelves
- automatic storage towers
- push back gravity shelves
- training for service and maintenance of equipment
- high quality accompanying technical documentation also in el. form on CD
- possibility of restoring technical documentation - document archiving for projects
- free SW upgrade to heavy-duty mobile devices
- contractually guranteed control of the technical state of the equipment
- qualified performance of technical state controls
- quality personnel and technically secured service
- contractual provision of lifetime technical equipment care
- performing corrections after failure and planned fixes
- storage and sale of spare parts
- reconfiguration and expansion of equipment
Molds for plastics stored in dynamic boxes from Obchodní společnost Kredit, spol s r.o.
Obchodní společnost Kredit, spol s.r.o. works in the field of manufacturing and supply of professional storage technologies. It specializes in manufacturing... -
Device for storage of finished products on mobile racks Mobipal from Obchodní společnost KREDIT, spol. s r.o.
Obchodní společnost KREDIT deals with the production of storage technology, rack systems and provides comprehensive logistics solutions for warehouses and...