Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

Knudsen Plast has over 30 years experience in injection molding for the medical industry, where requirements are high and need for traceability is a must.

We are offering production in cleanroom and controlled area. Even though the medical field is our core business, we can provide our services and capacities to customers from different bussinesses where the need for high quality parts is pressent. Our Slovak plant was established in 2007, when the production was partly moved from Denmark. Our production in Denmark, mainly focuses on innovation and development.

Knudsen Plast s.r.o.. offers low-cost production, ensuring high-quality parts.

We focus on mass production, assembly of parts including welding and printing. We have a professional project department  and we are currently establishing local R & D department.


ISO 13485 - Quality management medical equipment,
ISO 9001 - Quality management systems

Assortment / Services

-         production of plastic parts for medical industry

-         test centre

-         knowledge centre

-         creative solutions

-         product development

-         complete development projects from idea to finished product

-         outsourcing

-         automation

-         contract production

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