SLAVBIZ, s.r.o.

Slavbiz sells and distributes heat-resistant PTFE Teflon materials - PTFE Teflon films, PTFE baking films, Kanthal resistance wires and tapes, PTFE semi-finished PTFE conveyor belts, silicone rubber, PEGATEC cutting and grinding wheels, chemistry.

Assortment / Services

We offer PTFE products:

  • PTFE Teflon foils - non-adhesive and self-adhesive design
  • PTFE baking film - replacement of baking paper
  • Kanthal resistance wires and tapes
  • PTFE blanks - plates, blocks, rods, tubes, bridge bearings
  • PTFE conveyor belts - solid, mesh and laminated with reinforcements and side guides along the edges
  • Silicone rubber - hard and microporous
  • Pegatec - cutting and grinding wheels
  • Teflon and silicone sprays, lubricants, sealants, adhesives

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