Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Food Industry"

  • IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o.

    IMCD Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Distribution of special chemical raw materials (plastics, additives, fillers, TiO2 ..) with pan-European activity.
    Bělohorská 39
    Praha 6
    Top Company
  • K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

    K.D. Feddersen CEE GmbH

    Engineering plastics, masterbatches, biodegradable biocompounds, thermoplastics, technical plastics - sales, bioplastics suppliers.
    Mariahilferstraße 103 / 4 / 62b
    Top Company


    Extrusion and coextrusion of pipes and profiles, plastic profiles, boards, rods and others, profiles of plastics and rubber, rubbers, tubes,...
    IBC, Pobřežní 3
    Praha 8
  • ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    Ultrasonic Welding Machine, Hot Plate Welding Machine, Spin Welding Machine, Vibration Welding Machine, Hot Air Welding Machine, IR Welding Machine,...
    Piaristická 276/46
  • BRISK, výrobní družstvo, Ježov u Kyjova

    BRISK, výrobní družstvo, Ježov u Kyjova

    Production of plastic packaging, production of PET bottles, production of plastic bottles, plastic containers, paper and cardboard packaging, plastic...
    Ježov 9
  •, Peter Kollárik – KOLLT, Peter Kollárik – KOLLT

    Packaging foils for the food and non-food industry, cellophane, bags, sachets, sacks, pouches, foils with printing, BOPP foils.
    Hviezdoslavova 187/16
  • Corplex Slovakia s.r.o.

    Corplex Slovakia s.r.o.

    Corplex is dedicated to the design and manufacture of innovative plastic solutions, with a strong commitment to the circular economy and the reuse of...
    Novozámocká 3397
  • DGS Plast s.r.o.

    DGS Plast s.r.o.

    Blown plastic packaging, tool shop, mold production, HDPE packaging, bottles, cans, plastic canisters, plastic canister, plastic closures.
    Loučka 137
    Újezd u Valašských Klobouk
  • DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    Plastic bottles, plastic canisters, plastic packaging, closures, blow molds to order, CNC machining, chip machining.
    Dolní konec 515
  • DOMITRI, spol.s r.o.

    DOMITRI, spol.s r.o.

    Purchase and recovery of secondary plastics LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE, PE / PP, PP, PS, ABS, production of LDPE and HDPE foils, bags, sacks, plastic...
    Gemerská Hôrka 421
    Gemerská Hôrka
  • Ensinger s.r.o.

    Ensinger s.r.o.

    Technical plastics, plastic semi-finished products, rods, tubes and plates, blasting and CNC machining of plastics, plastic injection, plastic...
    Průmyslová 991
  • Envalior CEE s.r.o.

    Envalior CEE s.r.o.

    High-performance plastic materials, technical plastics, Polyamide (PA), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), thermoplastic fiber composites, plastic...
    Mlynské Nivy 5
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • Fillamentum Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.

    Fillamentum Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.

    Production of extruded hoses, pipes and profiles from polymeric materials, filaments, printing strings for 3D printers, plastic profiles, boards,...
    nám. Míru 1217
  • FORT - PLASTY s.r.o.

    FORT - PLASTY s.r.o.

    Air ducts, tanks, collecting tanks and atypical plastic products, industrial plastic fans, thermal, vacuum, rotational molding.
    Hulínská 2193/2a
  • GENETRIX s.r.o.

    GENETRIX s.r.o.

    Standard and technical plastics, thermoplastics, plastic granulate, plastic granules, raw material, engineering plastics, thermoplastic elastomers -...
    Lidická 445
  • HORZ spol. s r.o.

    HORZ spol. s r.o.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, mold design and construction, mold production, plastic injection, plastic molding, plastic injection...
    Na Lučinách 541
    Proboštov u Teplic
  • KMS-PT, s.r.o.

    KMS-PT, s.r.o.

    NONOILEN processing, biodegradable compostable plastic, biodegradable plastic on injection molding machines, bioplastics, technical plastic parts,...
    K Surdoku 5/A
  • Maloun s.r.o.

    Maloun s.r.o.

    Collection and sorting of plastic waste, crushing, production of regranulates, compaund, testing and sale of primary granulates.
    Evropská 661/95
    Praha 6
  • mateos s.r.o.

    mateos s.r.o.

    Heat-resistant materials, PTFE semi-finished products, PTFE foils, PTFE conveyor belts, sealing and insulating materials, insulation, insulators,...
    Bancíkovej 1/A


    Pressing of plastic parts, plastic pressing, plastic injection molding, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, plastic injection, plastic...
    Hviezdoslavova 1364/21
  • myCEPPI


    myCEPPI provides a weekly price report for commodity plastics.
    József krt. 69
  • Narran s.r.o.

    Narran s.r.o.

    Sales and service of lasers, laser cleaning, laser cutting, audit consulting and laser work training.
    Bayerova 802/33
    Brno – střed
  • Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Nylus SK, s.r.o.

    Commodity plastics, polyolefins, plastic additives, color concentrates, masterbatches, UV stabilizers for plastics, engineering, technical plastics -...
    Vodárenská 2011/38
  • Obchodní společnost KREDIT, spol. s r.o.

    Obchodní společnost KREDIT, spol. s r.o.

    We manufacture storage racks, shelving racks, pallet racks, cantilever racks. Production of warehouse platforms, intermediate staircases and annexes...
    Slavkov 284
    Horní Němčí
  • PETRAplast s.r.o.

    PETRAplast s.r.o.

    Plastic moldings, plastic transport packaging, plastic crates, plastic injection, plastic containers, production of plastic products.
    Jiřice 310
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