The Plastics Cluster was established in February 2006 as a non-profit association of plastics processing companies with the aim to create a communication platform for its members and to enforce their interests in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation and education.
The strong position of the plastics industry in the Zlín Region (along with the rubber industry, they are the most productive regional sectors) represented one of the main reasons for cluster establishment. Other reasons were lack of qualified labour force, missing R&D background for plastic processors, need of an appropriate position to negotiate for services and products, effective promotion of the sector and setting up of the active networks for the field of plastics processing.
The activity of the cluster is continuously financially supported by the EU thanks to the implemented projects:
- OP PP (project "1.4Z/009 Establishment and development of Plastic Cluster") OP PI (project "5.1 SPK01/015 Plastic Cluster" and "5.1 SPK02/040 Plaster 2012")
- OP PIK – Cooperation – Clusters – I. call (project "SK.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_008/0001226 Plaster 2015 – infrastructure", project "CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_007/500 VaV", project "SK.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_012/0001230 Plaster 2015 – cluster development", project "CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_007/0001161 CORNET SmartNFR")
- OP PIK - Cooperation - Clusters - III. call (project "SK.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_081/0008704 Plaster 2017 – Internationalization")
- OP PIK - Cooperation - Clusters - IV. challenge. and new applications of plastics", project "CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_149/0011818 Plaster 2018 – CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT")
- OP PIK - Innovation vouchers - Call IV: LCA life cycle assessment study of food packaging technology (LCA study, call 01_18_215 Innovation vouchers - IV call, project registration number SK.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/18_215/00178 of post-consumer recyclates (Forte -Q-post, call 01_18_215 Innovation vouchers - IV call, project registration number CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/18_215/0021862)
- OP PIK – Cooperation – Clusters – VI. Call: Plaster 2020 – INFRASTRUCTURE (call 01_19_313 Cooperation – Clusters – VI. call – Shared infrastructure, project registration number CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_313/0018805) y – VI. call – Collective research, project registration number CZ .01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_263/0018804)
- OP PIK - Cooperation - Clusters - Call VII: Plaster 2021 - INFRASTRUCTURE (call 01_20_335 Cooperation - Clusters - VII. Call - Shared infrastructure, project registration number SK.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_32 CLUSTER (call 01_20_333 Cooperation - Clusters - VII call – Development of the cluster, project registration number CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_333/0023621)
- OP PIK - Innovation vouchers COVID-19 - Call V: Homogenization of raw materials for the preparation of antimicrobial treatment (call 01_20_319 Innovation vouchers COVID-19 - Call V, project registration number CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.02)
- OP PIK - Innovation vouchers - Call VI.: Evaluation of biodegradable packaging (call 01_20_358 Innovation vouchers - VI. call, project registration number CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_358/0025469), Evaluation of bio 01_20_358 Innovation vouchers - VI . call, registration number of the CZ project.
Projects within OP Employment:
- OPZ 2014 – 2020 - Vocational training of member companies of the Plastics Cluster (Call 03_16_060 Education - common path to development!, project registration number CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/16_060/0005885
- OPZ 2014 – 2020 - Vocational training of member companies of the Plastics Cluster (call 03_19_110 Education - common path to development II!, project registration number CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/19_110/0010917)
International networking:
- At the beginning of 2014, Plaster became a member of the EuPC (European Plastics Converters) organization, whose mission is to protect the interests of plastics processors at the European level. We also actively cooperate with the PlasticPortal platform, which operates an online specialized catalog of companies and manufacturers in the field of plastics, including the labor market in the given sector.
- As part of international networking, we also participated in the projects of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union (CLUSTERPLAST, CERADA), the Operational Program of Cross-border Cooperation SR-CR 2007-2013 (AUTOPLAST) and a successfully completed project within the Interreg V-A SK-CZ 2014-2020 program (REGIOPLAST 2030).
We are currently implementing projects within:
OP TAK - Cooperation - Clusters - Challenge I.:
- PLASTR 2023 – Infrastructure (01_23_012 Cooperation – Clusters – Shared infrastructure – call I., project registration number CZ.01.01.01/07/23_012/0001280)
- PLASTR 2023 – Cluster development (01_23_011 Cooperation – Clusters – Innovation cluster development – call I., project registration number CZ.01.01.01/07/23_011/0001277)
- PLASTR 2023 – R&D (01_23_013 Cooperation – Clusters – Collective research – call I., project registration number CZ.01.01.01/07/23_013/0001279)
Operational program Employment plus:
- OPZ+ 2021 – 2027 Further professional education of members of the Plastics Cluster (call 03_22_040 OPZ+, project registration number CZ.03.01.03/00/22_040/0002164).
Foreign project: Project name: Danube Region Program - Plan C – DRP0200194 - Registration number: DRP0200194
We participate in the solution of projects within TA SR:
- Project TN02000051- Project name: National Competence Center for Polymeric Materials and Technologies for the 21st Century
- Project FW10010547 - Project name: Processing of post-consumer recyclates into vacuum-formed plastic products
- Project SS06020282 - Project name: Ecological recycling of biopolymers
- Project TK05020043 - Project name: Technology for the production of industrial redox flow batteries
You can find more information about the projects at https://plastr.cz/nase-projekty/
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Assortment / Services
Our Thematic Priorities:
- Collaborative technology development and R&D technology transfer by provision of the technical support and background for applied research on plastics; the services offered by our Centre for Modelling Products Made of Plastics can be found on https://plastr.cz/vyzkum-a-vyvoj/)
- Development of human resources for cluster participants (e.g. training and education, recruitment, internship programme for university students in cluster members’ companies)
- Support of regional technical education (cooperation with local secondary schools/university)
- Promotion of the plastic processing field (cooperation with regional authority)
- Enhancement of cooperation between academic and industrial sector
- Exchange of information, matchmaking and experience among cluster participants (internal networking)
- Matchmaking and networking with external partners (external networking)
- Development of entrepreneurship
To support your R&D activities, we can arrange required measurement, testing, analyses etc. either in our Centre for Modelling Products Made of Plastics or in facilities of our partners. In case of your interest please do not hesitate to contact us. More details are available on https://plastr.cz/vyzkum-a-vyvoj/
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