Sanfog s.r.o.

We are the only company on the Slovak market that has the most installed cooling, humidification systems using water vapor. We can deliver exactly the solution that is most effective for the area of use.

Since 2008, SANFOG has been manufacturing and distributing adiabatic systems for high-pressure water atomization, to which it has an exclusive patent. Their design, production and assembly are the guarantee of technological excellence on the market for high-pressure adiabatic systems. The project developed by SANFOG aims to produce environmentally friendly and economical facilities / units in an effort to reduce the impact on the environment, protect nature and reduce costs to users. SANFOG produces only ecological products.


ISO 9001 - Quality management systems

Assortment / Services

Products »

  • High-pressure air humidification
  • Centrifugal devices
  • Ultrasonic air humidification
  • Special systems

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