K-Plast, v.d.

The K-PLAST production facility was founded on February 17, 2000, it was the successor  of the Kveta production company. In the first years of existence there was a fundamental change in the technical and technological equipment and the structure of the production program. Obsolete technology was replaced by Demag and ARBURG injection molding machines. The production program has changed from the production of simple plastic parts to the production of technically and qualitatively demanding plastic parts.

The company holds the ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system certificate.
We offer complete service from participation on the design of plastic parts, construction and production of injection molds,
Injection molding of mainly technical moldings with the inclusion of plastic inserts and semi-finished parts,
Finishing by surface treatment, assembly and special packaging according to customer requirements,
All in its own tool shop and plastic moulder.


ISO 9001 - Quality management systems

Assortment / Services

We are the manufacturer of these product groups:
- Plastic parts for the automotive industry
- Plastic parts of technical engineering for other industrial areas
- NEW plastic elements and handles to the skirting board
- NEW plastic radiator rosettes
- General plastic moldings and products combined with inserts

We have manufacturing experience:
- Parts for the automotive industry
- Appearance parts for floors and interior, Slovak manufacturer of accessories for skirting boards
- Functional and visual parts of interior and exterior blinds
- Parts of locking latches and locking systems
- Parts for air conditioning
- Precision parts of automatic systems
- General plastic moldings, combined pressings
- Fully shaped surface finish, thermal-technological finalization
- Specialized assembly and packaging operations

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