JKZ Bučovice, a. s.

JKZ Bučovice specializes in the supply of tool, structural and special steels.

We provide comprehensive services under one roof - material storage and cutting, flame cutting, annealing, milling, grinding, complete production of parts of moulds and tools.

We are among the most important service centers in Europe thanks to the extensive machine park and warehouse stocks. Machine capacity allows us to quickly respond to customer´s requirements not only in the area of cut pieces, but also machined parts, including standardized plates.

JKZ Bučovice is a purely Czech joint-stock company founded in 1995. We supply steel from renowned manufacturers Kind&Co, Industeel, Schmiedewerke Gröditz, SSAB.


ISO 9001 - Quality management systems,
EN ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems,
ISO 45001 - Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements with guidance for use

Assortment / Services

Complete stock range of steels for production of moulds and tools, including special steels Toolox, Superplast, TQ1, etc.

Band saws cutting
Maximum cut piece size is 2.000x2.000x6.000 mm up to weight of 35 tons.
Shape cutting
The possibility of shape cutting in the „L“ shape or at different angles is up to the cutting height of 1.500 mm.

Production of machined semi-finished pieces from dimension 10x20x20 mm to maximum dimension 1.250x2.500x4.500 mm up to weight of 35 tons.

    • Production of parts of moulds and tools

3 and 5 axis milling
For the purchased material we offer complete production based on the 3D data and drawings.
Production of base plates, mould frames, dies and inserts, including providing of heat treatment.
Maximum dimension of the machined piece is 1.250x2.500x4.500 mm up to weight of 35 tons.

    • Grinding

Production of grinded semi-finished pieces up to maximum dimension 750x1.760x3.000 mm.

    • Deep drilling

Diameters of drilled holes from 6 to 80 mm.
Maximum length of drilled hole is 2.500 mm.

Acetylene and plasma cutting technology.
We offer flame cut semi-finished pieces from structural and tool steels.
Flame cut pieces according to sent outlines in the format DXF, DWG.
Thickness of sheet max. 300 mm, maximum format 2.500x12.000 mm.

We offer stress relief annealing in cut, flame cut and machined pieces.
Maximum dimensions of semi-finished piece is up to 1.800x2.000x4.000 mm up to weight of 15 tons.

3D measuring
We offer measurements of machined semi-finished pieces and completely made parts of moulds and tools.
Maximum dimensions is 1.500x2.000x3.000 mm and weight 5 tons.

Ensuring daily transportation by collection service, external carriers and own cars.
Express deliveries of not only cut pieces, but also machined pieces including standard plates.

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