Our company HF TECHNIK s.r.o. is the exclusive sales representative of ALPHA LASER GmbH and joke Technology GmbH for the Slovak Republic.
We have been operating on the Slovak market since 1997 and through our activities we help companies to gain independence, optimize costs, reduce downtime and thus significantly save time and production costs.
By selecting the right tool and technology, we increase the efficiency of work, the qualification of employees and thus contribute to increasing the competitiveness of companies.
The activities of our company include the following areas:
Business activity
Within our business activity we offer a wide range of professional products for production, maintenance and repair of all kinds of injection moulds and moulding tools. Our sales range includes power and air tools, grinding and polishing tools, milling cutters, files, equipment for winding, coating, sandblasting, lapping, cleaning as well as complete workplace equipment.
As an authorized dealer of ALPHA LASER GmbH, we offer state-of-the-art laser systems for welding, welding, hardening and 3D printing of metals, original spare parts, accessories and service.
The range of laser devices can be found on the website: https://laserove-technologie.eu/
We will advise you on the selection of the right tools and help you achieve the desired result by recommending the appropriate technology! In addition to demonstration goods, our sales representatives are also armed with expertise and experience, which they will be happy to demonstrate to you directly in your company.
Laser winding
We offer a laser threading service, which we have been doing since 2005. During our many years of experience in the field of laser threading, we have helped dozens of customers in the repair of moulds, tools or other parts. We weld all types of tool steels, aluminum, ampcoloy, electrolytic copper, hot runner tips and much more. We have mobile laser welding machines that allow us to make large mold repairs right in your company. There are three laser welding workplaces in the towns of Partizánske, Poprad and Vranov nad Topľou. More information about laser crimping can be found here: https://hftechnik.sk/content/5-laserove-navaranie
Laser welding training
We offer laser welding training on ALPHA LASER machines. Based on our many years of practical experience in the field of laser welding for the production, modification and repair of moulds and tools, we know exactly what your needs are. We will train your staff directly in your company, exactly according to your application, or at our facility in Partizánske.
Polishing courses
We organise mirror polishing courses, where a professional lecturer will share his years of experience in polishing and lapping with you, guiding you through a 2-day programme full of valuable information and practical exercises. At the polishing course, each participant has his/her own polishing workplace fully equipped with the latest equipment and materials, where he/she will try out different polishing procedures under the supervision of the lecturer and learn how to achieve different degrees of surface quality up to mirror shine. More about our polishing courses can be found here: https://hftechnik.sk/content/6-lestiace-kurzy