Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Drive belts"

  • 1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o.

    1.PLASTCOMPANY, spol. s r.o.

    Horizontal and vertical injection molding machines, extruders and extrusion lines, extrusion tools, material conveyors and dryers, dosing and mixing...
    Bohunická 728/24a
  • MARTING, s.r.o.

    MARTING, s.r.o.

    We are manufacturer and supplier of equipment for mechanization, automation and quality control for plastic operations.
    ul. Nejedlého 11/383
  • mateos s.r.o.

    mateos s.r.o.

    Heat-resistant materials, PTFE semi-finished products, PTFE foils, PTFE conveyor belts, sealing and insulating materials, insulation, insulators,...
    Bancíkovej 1/A