SimulPlast s.r.o.

Services – optimisation of injection molding prosess, prediction of the weld lines and air traps, proposal for the runner system optimalization, respectively change of the melt entrance position, analysis of the deformation rootcause, stuctural analyses, consultancy for the plastics part design.

Seminars, education trainings for designers, technnologists, production engineers.
We organizes these seminars in order to share knowledge in innovation technologies and help to avoid the problems in injection molding.

Distribution of simulation software Moldex3D


Assortment / Services

Simulation software Moldex3D – the world´s leading True 3D CAE product for the plastics injection molding. With the best-in-class analysis technology. It can help you to in-depth simulate the widest application range of injection molding processes to optimize product design and manufacturability shorten time to market.


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Published Articles

Education in the plastics industry - professional training of SimulPlast s.r.o.

21.4.2022 The reality of recent years has taught us to get used to rapid and frequent changes in both work and personal life. In manufacturing companies, this is reflected in the constant and often unexpected change of orders, problematic supplies of...