Nylus SK, s.r.o.

Company NYLUS SK, s.r.o. was founded in 2011. Since its establishment is devoted distributions granulate for the production of plastov from world's leading manufacturers as LyondellBasell, Elix, Arkema, Lanxess, Toray, Sirmax, Ticona, Synthos, TVK, Unipetrol, Slovnaft and others. We are dedicated to distributions:

  •     commodity plastics (polyolefins)
  •     technical (engineering) plastics
  •     additives and color masterbatches.

We can cover the demand for these most desired polymers PA6, PA 6.6, ABS, ASA, POM, PC, PBT, PMME, PS, PP, HDPE, LDPE, and their range is constantly expanding.


ISO 9001 - Quality management systems

Assortment / Services

Široký sortiment komoditných a technických plastov, aditív, farebných koncentrátov ponúkame s moderným riešením financovania vstupného materiálu. 


Prehľad produktov:

  • Technické plasty
  • Polyolefíny
  • Aditíva

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