Injection moulding machines, sale and service
Katalóg overených dodávateľov z oblasti vstrekolisy (vstrekovacie lisy) pre ČR a SR. Vstrekovacie stroje, označované tiež ako vstrekolisy, sú primárne určené pre spracovanie polymérnych materiálov, predovšetkým v podobe granúl. Polyméry a zmesi tiež môžu byť dodávané vo forme prášku alebo hmoty cestovinovej konzistencie. Na týchto strojoch je možné spracovávať aj kvapalinné systémy. Vstrekolisy môžeme deliť napr. podľa spracovanie termoplastov, reaktoplastových či kaučukov, prípadne podľa maximálnej sily, ktorou je uzatváracia jednotka schopná vyvinúť, viď ďalej uzatváracie a uzamykacie sily (malé vstrekolisy do 500 kN = 50 ton, stredné vstrekolisy 500 až 5000 kN = 50 až 500 ton a veľké vstrekolisy nad 5000 kN = 500 ton; v praxi sa bežne používa skôr označenie v tonách) apod.
Medzi hlavné služby našich dodávateľov v katalógu patrí výroba a predaj plne elektrických, hybridných alebo hydraulických vstrekolisov, renovácie a rekonštrukcie vstrekolisov a kompresných lisov, čistenie, modernizácia a údržba zariadenia.
Pre novinky, aktuality a trendy navštívte naše odborné články na tému vstrekovacie lisy (vstrekolisy).
Sumitomo (SHI) Demag: Changing the perception of productivity
1.10.2024 As the Czech and Slovak economy is largely dependent on manufacturing exports and trade,...
WITTMANN BATTENFELD at the Fakuma 2024 with top-performance energy-efficient injection molding technology
18.9.2024 At the Fakuma from 15 to 19 October, WITTMANN BATTENFELD will present to its visitors...
ENGEL Presents the World's Largest Technical Center Injection Molding Machine
19.8.2024 | ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH has expanded its technical center in St. Valentin, Austria, with one of the... -
WITTMANN Competence Days 2024 – a complete success
15.7.2024 | Under the motto of “We live injection molding”, the WITTMANN Group invited its customers and...
Haitian Open Days 2024: Linking technology and vision with Mapro
11.7.2024 | From 25 to 27 June 2024, the Bavarian town of Ebermannsdorf was transformed into a centre of... -
New Arburg subsidiary in Romania
27.6.2024 | With the establishment of its own subsidiary in Romania in April 2024, Arburg has taken another...
DESMA will present manufacturing solutions for a sustainable future at the DKT in Nuremberg
21.6.2024 | Also in 2024, the DESMA Elastomertechnik team will be attending the German DTK (Deutschen Kautschuk... -
Upgrade for maximum efficiency: Optimize operating processes sustainably with Netstal Smart...
6.6.2024 | Efficiency and productivity can also be further increased on existing machines. With Smart...
Mapro launches Haitian 5th generation injection moulding machines on the Czech and Slovak market
5.6.2024 Mapro brings to the market in the Czech Republic and Slovakia top injection moulding machines of...
Arburg: Golden Electric's new Allrounder 720 E is the answer to the growing demand for an economical and efficient machine
3.5.2024 At Arburg, we are proud to introduce our latest innovation - the Allrounder 720 E Golden Electric....
Sales of injection molding machines in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2023
1.5.2024 | Since 2011, the® editors have been conducting an annual survey of the sale of... -
WITTMANN Competence Days 2024 - We live molding.
12.4.2024 | On June 19 and 20 of this year, the WITTMANN Group extends a cordial invitation to visit its...
EcoVadis Sustainability Award: Gold for ARBURG!
6.12.2023 | With our recent Gold Medal from EcoVadis and 73 points, we has made it into the top five per cent... -
Full house at the DESMA OpenHouse 2023
4.12.2023 | With the maxim "Partnering for Transformation" DESMA hosted the OpenHouse 2023 in Fridingen. With...
Premiere at Fakuma: the ENGEL CC300 plus control unit – the plus in terms of ergonomics and...
29.11.2023 | ENGEL is exhibiting a further development of its successful machine control unit at FAKUMA 2023:... -
ENGEL: global leader in climate protection
20.11.2023 | ENGEL is continuing to extend its lead in the global EcoVadis sustainability ranking. The company...