MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o. was established in 2001. It provides sales of Haitian injection moulding machines and ZHAFIR VENUS full injection electric machines manufactured in a new factory 70 km from the Czech border in the German Ebermannsdorf. Furthermore, accessories for injection moulding machines, production automation, service and organising of training.
ISO 9001 - Quality management systems
Assortment / Services
- Injection presses - we sell and service Haitian and Zhafir injection presses. Under these trade names, Haitian International Holding Ltd. manufactures.
- Fully electric injection molding machines »
- Hybrid injection molding machines »
- Hydraulic injection molding machines »
- Hybrid injection molding machines »
- Hydraulic injection molding machines »
- Robots - Three-axis robots TecnoMatic, Hilectr, Six-axis robots KUKA, ABB, YASKAWA
- Transporters
- Automation - We solve the specific requirements of customers in engineering, the automotive industry and other industries.
- Service
- Training
- Financing: our range of financial products will help you with your investment
- Transport and installation of injection presses