ROHLIG SUUS Logistics supports the logistics conference SpeedCHAIN SK

31.5.2023 Events
We would very much like to invite you to this year's logistics conference SpeedCHAIN Slovakia, which will take place on June 8-9, 2023 in Modra pri Pezinko (SK). On SpeedCHAIN, the experiences of many experts are shared, case studies are presented and various discussions are held. This year on the topic: LOGISTICS - a path in the right direction.

Spoločnosť ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Slovakia s.r.o. je opäť partnerom tohto stretnutia a tiež súčasťou programu. Zástupcovia spoločnosti ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Slovakia s.r.o. predstavia svoju prezentáciu na tému „LOGISTIKA NA KĽÚČ“, a to v podaní Tomáša Panenky (Commercial Director CZ & SK) a Jaroslava Minaříka.

Všetkých nás čaká nabitý program – osobné stretnutie, panelové diskusie, networking a VIP Logistic Rendezvous.

ROHLIG SUUS - logistické služby na SpeedCHAIN

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V prípade záujmu o schôdzku v dobe konferencie nás prosím kontaktujte na adrese:

V kalendári si poznačte dátum 8.-9.6.2023, nemali by ste tam chýbať!

Author: ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Slovakia s.r.o.

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