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- Advice for chemistry and rubber production
- Výskumný ústav chemických vlákien, a.s.
Výskumný ústav chemických vlákien, a.s.

Štúrova 2, 059 21 Svit Show on Map
NIP: 31714129
VAT: SK2020517642
- Ing.Martin Budzák, Generálny riaditeľ, +421 52 7842251, riaditel@vuchv.sk
- Ing. Rastislav Dorušinec, Divízia chemických výrob / predaj a marketing, +421 52 7842252, dorusinec@vuchv.sk
- Ing. Jozef Skokan, Divízia strojárskej výroby, +421 52 7842 141, skokan@vuchv.sk
- Ing. Miroslav Sim, Oddelenie vývoja, +421 52 7842 181, vyvoj@vuchv.sk
- RNDr. Jana Ileninová, Divízia skúšobníctva, +421 52 7842 164, dslfat@vuchv.sk
- Ing. Peter Michlík, CSc., Oddelenie výskumu, +421 52 7842 231, michlik@vuchv.sk
Company Description
VUCHV operates in basic research, applied research and research for industrial practice in the fields of concentrates of additives, pigments and modifiers, standard and modified chemical fibers as well as standard and special analytical methods of assessing polymer systems. Institute also operates state-recognised testing laboratory.
EN ISO/IEC 17025, EN ISO 14001, ISO 9001
Range of products / Services
Chemical production:
Concentrates of colorants COLORSVIT
Concentrates of additives COLORSVIT
Staple fibers KALCIFIL
Staple fibers FIBROSAN
Mechanical engineering production:
Spinning and extrusion lines
DCSBD plasma technology
Single-purpose machines and lines
Custom production
- Research, development, innovations
- Testing
- Chemical production
- Mechanical engineering production
- Fiber and textile industry
- Polymer processing
- Construction industry
- Chemical industry
- Automotive industry
- Waste treatment
- Food industry
- Logistics and other applications
Others Categories, where company is listed (17)
- 1. Advice for chemistry and rubber production
- 2. Automotive Industry - suppliers
- 3. Building & Construction
- 4. Color masterbatche for plastics
- 5. Dispensers - gravimetric and volumetric
- 6. Dryers of plastic grade
- 7. Extrusion lines, blow molding machine
- 8. Fiber
- 9. Laboratory tests and testing of plastics
- 10. Machinery & Equipment
- 11. Plastic processing machines
- 12. Plastics Semi-finished products
- 13. Polypropylene fibers
- 14. Recycling technologies for plastics
- 15. Research and development
- 16. Services in plastic industry
- 17. Special purpose machinery