Institute of Natural and Synthetic Polymers

Research, development, testing of polymer materials, and education of graduates in the fields of production, processing, and application of natural and synthetic polymers, corresponding to the scope of the institute's departments:

  • department of Plastics, Rubber, and Fibers
  • department of Wood, Cellulose, and Paper
  • department of Printing and Applied Photochemistry
  • department of Polymer Processing based in Nitra

Assortment / Services

In the field of pedagogy, the institute trains specialists in bachelor's, engineering and doctoral studies in various study programmes:

Bachelor's degree programmes:
  • Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Materials

 Engineering degree programmes:
  • Natural and synthetic polymers in modules:
  • Plastics, Rubber and Rubber
  • Fibres and Textiles
  • Printing and Photography
  • Wood, pulp and paper
  • Conservation of materials and heritage objects

Doctoral programmes: 
  • Macromolecular Chemistry
  • Polymer materials technology

The Institute's research covers a wide range of activities in the field of plastics production and processing, consumer electronics, chemical, pulp and paper, wood, textile, fibre, printing, rubber and automotive industries, lignocellulosic materials processing products, the use of alternative raw materials, recycling of used polymer products, as well as the production of packaging materials, the design and production of printing media, to technologies for the preservation of cultural heritage and the restoration of monuments.


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Published Articles

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava opened the Center for nanodiagnostics

29.10.2015 The new Centre for nanodiagnostics possess the devices that are unique within the states V4. It is possible to study the structure of matter down to the level of atoms. Center was opened on Monday, October 12, 2015 the Slovak Technical University in...