Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Fixtures"

  • Kowa, spol. s r.o.

    Kowa, spol. s r.o.

    Fittings, plastic fittings, plastic pipes, pipes, hoses, pipes, piping systems, pipes, plastic water pipes, air conditioning, plastic pool.
    Pivovarská 709
    Ledeč nad Sázavou
  • Simona Plast-Technik s.r.o.

    Simona Plast-Technik s.r.o.

    SIMONA thermoplastic semi-finished products, plastic fittings, plastic pipes, tubes, hoses, pipes, plastic water pipes, plastic profiles, boards,...
    U Autodílen 23
    Litvínov - Chudeřín
  • SLOVARM, a.s.

    SLOVARM, a.s.

    Sewer pipes, plastic piping system for distribution, plastic fittings, plastic pipes, extrusion of PP-R pipes, injection of PP-R fittings, assembly...
    Dolná 1259/2