Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Design of plastic products"

  • DGS Plast s.r.o.

    DGS Plast s.r.o.

    Blown plastic packaging, tool shop, mold production, HDPE packaging, bottles, cans, plastic canisters, plastic canister, plastic closures.
    Loučka 137
    Újezd u Valašských Klobouk
  • DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    Plastic bottles, plastic canisters, plastic packaging, closures, blow molds to order, CNC machining, chip machining.
    Dolní konec 515
  • Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Faktum Design s.r.o.

    Design proposals for mechanical engineering, electronics, development studio, development of new products, graphic design of the product, tool shop,...
    Karásek 2245/1F (objekt 24)
  • FORMLAB  s.r.o.

    FORMLAB s.r.o.

    Prototype studio FORMLAB, production of prototypes, atypes and small series production, 3D cutting of polystyrene, vacuum forming, CNC machining of...
    Štúrova 16
  • INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop.
    areál NAVOS, ul.Rakvická 862


    Controlled production management of injection molds, project management, taking over injection molds from the manufacturer, technical advice for...
    Zavarská 9157/10 I
  • Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Production of plastic products for the medical industry, plastic injection, assembly of plastic parts, plastic welding and printing of plastic...
    Herľanská 547
    Vranov nad Topľou
  • Konštrukcia Pittner

    Konštrukcia Pittner

    Construction of molds for casting plastic parts and blocks, injection molds for casting rubber parts, injection molds, molds, graphic design, product...
    Športová 1428/104
  • KP-Works


    Injection molds, molding of plastic products, plastic molding, plastic injection, design and production of molds, design of plastic products.
    Březina 120
    Loukov u Mnichova


    Technical and aesthetic moldings made of thermoplastics, production of injection molds for thermoplastics, surface treatment of parts, realization of...
    Pod dolami 838
    Vranov nad Topľou
  • MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    3D digital technology, rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3-D digitization and measurement, CAD/CAM software.
    Štúrova 1532/92
    Dubnica nad Váhom
  • OSMOS s.r.o.

    OSMOS s.r.o.

    ERP software, 3D design of plastic products, simulation of plastic injection, plastic press, plastic injection, pressing tools.
    Gogoľova 18, Priemyselné centrum Hydronika
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • Paletten trade spol.s r.o.

    Paletten trade spol.s r.o.

    EUR pallets, EPAL pallets, euro pallets, Gitterboxes, wooden pallets, plastic pallets, bulk boxes / bigboxes, plastic packaging, plastic transport...
    Rastislavová 6
  • Schoeller Allibert Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Schoeller Allibert Czech Republic s.r.o.

    Plastic tanks, plastic containers, plastic pallets, plastic crates, plastic waste containers, pallet boxes, plastic transport packaging, bulk boxes /...
    Na Rovince 879
  • technology-support s.r.o.

    technology-support s.r.o.

    CAD/CAM supplies for CNC machine tools, CAD/CAM solution GibbsCAM and Cimatron, CAD solution ZW3D, high-pressure and high-volume cooling.
    Dusíkova 1597/19
    Praha 6
  • TVD-Technická výroba, a.s.

    TVD-Technická výroba, a.s.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, plastic injection, production from plastics for the automotive industry, injection molds, molds for...
    Rokytnice 203
  • Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Veeser Plastic Slovakia k.s.

    Plastic production for the automotive industry; plastic injection molding, plastic molding, plastic molding shop, technical plastic parts, plastic...
    Bratislavská 517
  • ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    Production of plastic parts, plastic injection, construction, development and production of injection molds, production of laminate tubes, tool shop,...
    Uherskobrodská 119