Company Catalogue
Company Catalogue by by category "Design and construction of injection molds"
DESMA Slovakia, s.r.o.
Injection molding machines for injection molding of technical rubber and silicone parts, peripherals, molds and automation systems, cold inlets,...Top Company -
Plastic molding, plastic injection, injection molds, molds, industrial robots, manipulators, grippers, EOAT components. -
Anton Clemens s.r.o.
Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive, two-component injection molding (2K). -
Complete solution of injection moulds, producer of components for hot runner systems, sales of micro injection machines and temparating equipement,... -
CRW Slovakia, s.r.o.
CRW Slovakia,s.r.o. prides itself as one of the leaders in bringing flexible sophisticated and complete "End-To-End" solutions to fabrication of the... -
DGS Plast s.r.o.
Blown plastic packaging, tool shop, mold production, HDPE packaging, bottles, cans, plastic canisters, plastic canister, plastic closures. -
DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.
Plastic bottles, plastic canisters, plastic packaging, closures, blow molds to order, CNC machining, chip machining. -
E - Normalie servis s.r.o.
Standard parts for molding tools and injection molds, mold clamping, clamping systems, jigs / assembly, process, control /. -
Standard parts, components for molds, normals, hot runners for injection molds, peripherals, peripherals, mold accessories. -
Esox-plast s.r.o.
Design and production of plastic moulds, injection moulding -
Faktum Design s.r.o.
Design proposals for mechanical engineering, electronics, development studio, development of new products, graphic design of the product, tool shop,... -
FORM s.r.o.
Glass-reinforced plastics, fiberglass, thermoplastic products, painting of plastic products, metal production and assembly of products. -
Formy Tachov s.r.o.
Plastic injection tools. Development, design, manufacture, sale, repair and service of plastic injection tools up to 20 tonnes for the automotive... -
fortell s.r.o.
Injection molds, plastic parts, construction, plastic molding, cleaning of injection molds, tool shop, plastic injection. -
GF Machining Solutions s.r.o.
Tool shops, production of tools, mold repairs, machines for plastics and rubber, machines for the production of molds and tools, mold clamping,... -
Standardized parts for the production of plastic moulds, hot runner systems. -
Hi-Technology Mouldings Slovakia s.r.o.
Injection moulding, technical plastic parts, design of plastic moldings, production of injection molds, assembly of plastic components. -
HORZ spol. s r.o.
Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, mold design and construction, mold production, plastic injection, plastic molding, plastic injection... -
HPS Czech Republic
Hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic units, standardized parts, components for molds, peripheral devices for injection molds. -
Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop. -
Plastic moldings for automotive, technical plastic parts, moldings for healthcare and chemical industry, moldings for garden equipment and others. -
IRISA, výrobní družstvo
The main program is a cooperative pressing and assembly of thermoplastic. -
Controlled production management of injection molds, project management, taking over injection molds from the manufacturer, technical advice for... -
JKZ Bučovice, a. s.
Tool steel, mold steel, injection mold steel, CNC metal machining, standardized parts, mold components. -
Kasko spol. s r.o.
Development and injection of plastic moldings, construction, production of molds and tools, plastic press, plastic plating, two-component injection...