Střední průmyslová škola Otrokovice

Secondary school Otrokovice is a modern public school, which track their educational fields appeals to candidates beyond the borders of the.

Its long tradition and decades of realized cooperation with local companies and city government school was very good and strong social ties, so its position not only in the city but throughout the Zlín region between local schools and very good.

Our school offers one of the few in the Czech Republic a comprehensive system of secondary education in chemistry. We teach four-year graduation courses Applied Chemistry and three-year apprenticeship Chemist  (rubber - plastic). We are currently preparing a new field of specialization Applied Chemistry - polymer technology. In teaching these disciplines are working very closely with leading rubber and plastic companies, which guarantee the access of students to the latest knowledge and technologies and thus also their future employability. Increased interest in these fields shows that we are on the right track.

Assortment / Services

Secondary school Otrokovice in the last school year involved in international activities in eTwinning, student groups sciences in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci participated in internships in Italy and Greece. We work with schools in Europe, we obtained interesting partners from foreign universities or research centers. Thanks to the cooperation with the National Agency for European educational programs utilize numerous opportunities for development at European level. In the school year 2013/2014 we have been extraordinarily successful in several grant calls Erasmus +.

Benefits of participation of school employees or students in international projects are large. In addition to improving language skills and motivation is to increase the level of knowledge in technical areas or strengthening of various competences. In particular, social competence, a sense of initiative, cultural awareness and expression, further increasing the flexibility and adaptability to new living situation and ability to work with information in an international environment. The final result of all international activities a significant impact on strengthening the professionalism and prestige of our school.

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