Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Assembly lines"

  • ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    Ultrasonic Welding Machine, Hot Plate Welding Machine, Spin Welding Machine, Vibration Welding Machine, Hot Air Welding Machine, IR Welding Machine,...
    Piaristická 276/46
  • CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    CHEMAT spol. s r.o

    Conveyors, manufacturing and sales of production lines for plastic processing, industrial automation, peripheral devices, peripherals, granule...
    Ružinovská 1
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • M2M Solutions, s.r.o.

    M2M Solutions, s.r.o.

    Warehousing technology, controlled warehouse system, transport logistics system, visual object detection, operator work records.
    Vysokoškolákov 1757/1
  • MARTING, s.r.o.

    MARTING, s.r.o.

    We are manufacturer and supplier of equipment for mechanization, automation and quality control for plastic operations.
    ul. Nejedlého 11/383
  • ORCCA INDUSTRY s. r. o.

    ORCCA INDUSTRY s. r. o.

    Assembly, Disassembly,instalations,lift and move service for standard and oversizes.
    ul. Roháčova 145/14
    Praha 3 - Žižkov
  • PROCONT, spol. s r.o. Prešov

    PROCONT, spol. s r.o. Prešov

    Development, design, production and supply of automated systems and electrotechnical equipment, construction and production activities in the field...
    Kúpeľná 1/A
  • S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    Machines for the production of plastic parts, industrial production automation, assembly workplaces, plastic machines, plastic welding, industrial...
    Sedličná 3093
    Trenčianske Stankovce
  • SCHUNK Intec s.r.o.

    SCHUNK Intec s.r.o.

    Gripping systems, clamping technology, vacuum systems, gripping systems for robots, industrial automation, manipulators.
    Tehelná 4169/5C
  • VEEM TRADING, s.r.o.

    VEEM TRADING, s.r.o.

    Sale of vacuum technology components and handling, pneumatic components, gripping and shearing systems, vacuum pumps and vacuum systems, peripherals,...
    Dobrovského 4


    Production of rubber compounds, pressed rubber products, rubber-plastic products, vulcanized parts, industrial sewing.
    Nitrianska 503/60