Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "3D model, 3D modeling"

  • 3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D Tlač - Stepanek3D

    3D scanning, 3D printing, editing of 3D models, plastic atypes, custom production, small series production, production of plastic prototypes.
    Zvolenská cesta 6888/113
    Banská Bystrica
  • ADATEX, s.r.o.

    ADATEX, s.r.o.

    3D printing, 3D printers, 3D scanners, 3D scanning and inspection, 3D digitization, 3D measurement, 3D model, 3D modeling, prototyping, simulation.
    Turecká 27/2447
    Nové Mesto nad Váhom
  • Advanced Engineering s.r.o.

    Advanced Engineering s.r.o.

    Simulation solution for the plastics industry, simulation of plastic and PU foam injection molding, extrusion simulation, engineering, Altair...
    Na ostrohu 2405/16
    Praha 6
  • DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o.

    DATALAN Quality Instruments s.r.o.

    3D printing to order, industrial 3D printer, additive manufacturing, multijet fusion, HP multi jet fusion, HP Jet Fusion, mjf4200, mjf printing.
    Púchovská 8
    Bratislava - Rača
  • DGS Plast s.r.o.

    DGS Plast s.r.o.

    Blown plastic packaging, tool shop, mold production, HDPE packaging, bottles, cans, plastic canisters, plastic canister, plastic closures.
    Loučka 137
    Újezd u Valašských Klobouk
  • DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    DIXI, výroba plastových obalů a.s.

    Plastic bottles, plastic canisters, plastic packaging, closures, blow molds to order, CNC machining, chip machining.
    Dolní konec 515
  • ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    Foam semi-finished products from plastics, custom production from plastics, hermoforming, pressforming of PE foam, thermal, vacuum, rotational...
    Skřivánčí 9a
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • FORM s.r.o.

    FORM s.r.o.

    Glass-reinforced plastics, fiberglass, thermoplastic products, painting of plastic products, metal production and assembly of products.
    Horní Lideč 293
    Horní Lideč
  • FORMLAB  s.r.o.

    FORMLAB s.r.o.

    Prototype studio FORMLAB, production of prototypes, atypes and small series production, 3D cutting of polystyrene, vacuum forming, CNC machining of...
    Štúrova 16
  • INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop.
    areál NAVOS, ul.Rakvická 862
  • Ing. Peter Náhori - Tlač v 3D

    Ing. Peter Náhori - Tlač v 3D

    Services in the field of 3D printing and 3D modeling, sales of 3D printers, 3D scanners, 3D pens, 3D printing strings and 3D objects made with 3D...
    Veľký Kamenec 125
    Veľký Kamenec
  • INTROPLAST, a.s.

    INTROPLAST, a.s.

    Plastic moldings for automotive, technical plastic parts, moldings for healthcare and chemical industry, moldings for garden equipment and others.
    Priemyselná 281/41


    Controlled production management of injection molds, project management, taking over injection molds from the manufacturer, technical advice for...
    Zavarská 9157/10 I
  • Kasko spol. s r.o.

    Kasko spol. s r.o.

    Development and injection of plastic moldings, construction, production of molds and tools, plastic press, plastic plating, two-component injection...
    Slavkov 82
    Horní Němčí
  • Konštrukcia Pittner

    Konštrukcia Pittner

    Construction of molds for casting plastic parts and blocks, injection molds for casting rubber parts, injection molds, molds, graphic design, product...
    Športová 1428/104
  • Lisovna plastů, spol. s r.o.

    Lisovna plastů, spol. s r.o.

    We are the suppliers of plastic parts for automotive and electrical industry. We do the production of precise plastic parts and assemblies.
    Karlov 139
    Velké Meziříči
  • MARTING, s.r.o.

    MARTING, s.r.o.

    We are manufacturer and supplier of equipment for mechanization, automation and quality control for plastic operations.
    ul. Nejedlého 11/383
  • MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    MCAE Systems, s.r.o. organizačná zložka

    3D digital technology, rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3-D digitization and measurement, CAD/CAM software.
    Štúrova 1532/92
    Dubnica nad Váhom
  • MEPAC SK, s.r.o.

    MEPAC SK, s.r.o.

    Maintenance of injection molds, tool repair, lapping, grinding, polishing, laser welding, surfacing, engraving, tool shops, tool production, CNC...
    Kotešová 161
  • OSMOS s.r.o.

    OSMOS s.r.o.

    ERP software, 3D design of plastic products, simulation of plastic injection, plastic press, plastic injection, pressing tools.
    Gogoľova 18, Priemyselné centrum Hydronika
    Bratislava - Staré Mesto
  • OSMOS Tooling and Molding s.r.o.

    OSMOS Tooling and Molding s.r.o.

    Design and production of injection molds, cleaning and servicing of molds, prototyping, series production, analysis of plastic injection.
    Pečnianska 31
    Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
  • Plastpol, s.r.o.

    Plastpol, s.r.o.

    Production and processing of parts and components from non-metallic materials, CNC machining of plastics, Engineering and design services CAD / CAM,...
    Nová Ves u Nového Města na Moravě 182
    Nové Město na Moravě
  • Plasty Gabriel s.r.o.

    Plasty Gabriel s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, plastic injection analysis, software Cadmould for analysis and optimization of plastic injection, plastic injection simulation.
    Mezihoří 262
    Moravské Knínice
  • Rian Normalie s.r.o.

    Rian Normalie s.r.o.

    Spare parts for plastic injection moulds and moulding tools, mould accessories, date stamps and punches, springs, hydraulic cylinders.
    Palackého 6403
  • SMARTPLAST s.r.o.

    SMARTPLAST s.r.o.

    Analysis of plastic injection, technological design of plastic parts, simulation of plastic injection, Moldflow, engineering and design services,...
    B. Němcové 351
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