FIMIC supplies technological solutions for the plastics industry, focusing in particular on plastics recycling, the production of guillotines for cutting industrial waste and the transport of plastic material.
Assortment / Services
Automatic screen changers for plastics »
- SIMPLE: Time spent by a single operator changing a screen does not exceed 30 minutes. This translates into optimizing production and reducing downtimes.
- OPTIMIZED: Our filters do not require any operator’s intervention. Therefore, they allow a further optimization of the workflow while keeping high quality levels.
- FLEXIBILE: A wide range of screen changers is manufactured in FIMIC premises, accounting for any kind of plastics, contamination and filtration.
- GUARANTEED: To further guarantee quality results and performances, customers are able to test each of our screen changers in our internal lab, to verify its results with different kinds of melt.
SPA is a revolutionary machine: a pump that allows you to easily transport plastic material melted by the extruder to the filter without using gears. SPA, in fact, operates with a single screw and requires very little maintenance. The ideal solution for anyone looking for the highest quality of the final result while significantly lowering management costs.
Standard gear pumps used to recycle plastic material are very sensitive because the contamination contained therein can damage them easily. For this reason, not only is constant maintenance required, but often also the installation of a safety filter to protect the pump, with a significant economic outlay, both for the purchase of the machinery and the interventions required for its operation. Not forgetting that gears must be periodically replaced by the operator, a further operating disadvantage.
Guillotines for the cutting of industrial waste »
When FIMIC was born, our main line of production was the manufacturing of guillotines for the cutting of bales and rolls of industrial waste, and they still retain their place as our flagship products thanks to our state-of-the-art production method, which sets them apart for the rest of the market.
Almost entirely customizable by the customer, every guillotine we make is a unique piece, carefully tailored to its required task, to achieve just the perfect result.
With a cutting power reaching up to 120 tons, FIMIC Guillotines can truly cut anything: from paper and plastics to industrial waste rolls.
FIMIC returns to NPE 2024 with a range of exciting new products.
Since 2018, FIMIC has developed technologies offering a wide range of automatic melt filters and has integrated into its product portfolio a screw pump called...