Low volume manufacturing of plastics items

Registered Companies for Low volume manufacturing of plastics items

  • SG tec s.r.o.

    SG tec s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, injection molds, pressing molds, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, tool...
    Veľké Kozmálovce 373
    Veľké Kozmálovce
  • OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    Plastic injection molding, plastic moldings, material repainting, printing - TAMPOPRINT, quality...
    Pečnianska 31
    Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
  • Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive,...
    Milíkov 42
  • FMP a.s.

    FMP a.s.

    Injection molding, plastic products, tool shop, design and production of molds, plastic products...
    Nový Svět 89/4
    Praha 1 – Hradčany