Hot runner systems
Katalóg overených dodávateľov z oblasti horúce vtoky pre vstrekovacie formy v ČR a SR. Horúce vtoky sú systém, ktorý je sústavou vyhrievaných súčiastok. Použiť ho môžeme napríklad pri výrobe plastov vo vstrekovacích formách. Systém horúcich vtokov vstrekuje plastovú hmotu, ktorá je roztavená, do dutín formy.
Medzi hlavné služby našich dodávateľov v katalógu patrí výroba a predaj systémov horúcich vtokov.
Pre novinky, aktuality a trendy navštívte naše odborné články na tému horúce vtoky.
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology - theory and practice part 5
27.12.2024 Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology - theory and practice part 4
20.12.2024 Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
13.12.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of... -
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
6.12.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
29.11.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of... -
Advanced Hot runner solutions increase flexibility and sustainability in injection moulding
12.9.2022 | At K-Show 2022, which will take place in Düsseldorf from 19 to 26 October, Oerlikon HRSflow will...
Oerlikon HRSflow: Advanced human-machine interface makes control of hot runner system easier and...
4.7.2022 | Oerlikon HRSflow has thoroughly revised the software for the control unit of its FLEXflow hot... -
Mechanical stroke regulator Oerlikon HRSflow avoids surface defects
3.8.2021 | Oerlikon HRSflow has developed a Mechanical Stroke Regulator (MSR) for hydraulic driven valve gate...
HRSflow’s servo-driven hot runner system convinces customers: Over 1000 systems sold worldwide
24.3.2021 HRSflow’s servo-driven hot runner system convinces customers: Over 1000 systems sold worldwide
New in hot runner technology from HRSflow
25.9.2020 Precise control of the hydraulic needle drive, wear-resistant design for abrasive plastics,...
PP KOVANDA will connect everything with everything
9.3.2020 | PP KOVANDA could be commonly referred to as a Solution Provider. It is able to connect individual... -
HASCO introduces innovations in various technologies
15.1.2020 | HASCO guarantees the proper functioning of its products, combines cost-effectiveness with fast,...
INCOE: Control of melt flow inside hot inlets for optimum part quality
23.12.2019 | The method of filling the mold cavity has a decisive influence on the quality of the injection... -
Synventive Technologies at K 2019 in Düsseldorf
9.12.2019 | Injection molding of quality parts poses ever greater challenges to the injection molder and the...
HASCO Innovations at K 2019
11.10.2019 | As a leading supplier and manufacturer of modular standard parts and accessories, HASCO offers... -
HRSflow at K 2019: State-of-the-art hot runner solutions to be presented live at partner sites
8.10.2019 | At K 2019, which takes place from 16 to 23 October in Düsseldorf, challenging state-of-the-art...