Company Hotset SK s.r.o. is the exclusive retailer of high quality and reliable electric-heating elements of German society Hotset Heizpatronen Zuberor GmbH und a high quality infrared thermo meters and IR cameras innovative German company Optris GmbH.
Assortment / Services
* The heating cartridge HHP
* Spiral heating cartridge WRP
* Flexible tubular heating elements Hotflex
* The heating elements for pressure processing of zinc
* Closed Heating nozzle for injection molding
* Heater strip for jet injection molding
* Mica and ceramic heating elements and belts
* Fabric Insulation
* Accessories - Mounting spray Hotset Isola, the filler tube heaters, SklotkaninovéGLS tubes, solid state relays, sockets and plugs
* Thermocouple and RTD
* Temperature Controllers
* Ceramic infra
* Infrared Thermo meters - Hand
* Infrared thermo meter with laser sight
* Infrared Sensors Compact series
* Infrared thermo cameras Optris
* Infrared thermo cameras Fluke
The Hotset Sk Company introducing: Fluke thermal imagers
Fluke thermal imagers can detect radiometric infrared images using IR-Fusion ®. Thermal imaging is often referred to as the first line of defense in... -
Hotseat Slovakia sro is a non-contact temperature meter mark optris
Hotseat Slovakia sro, exclusive Embassy in contactless temperature meters mark Optra, presents its news.