15.4.2019 Events
DATRIA s.r.o. invites you to the NEGRI BOSSI Customer Days, which will take place on April 25 - 26, 2019 in the TAJMAC - ZPS company in Zlín.

Registrace a program na: a.vaclavkova@datria.cz

Místo konaní:
areál firmy TAJMAC-ZPS, a.s.
tř. 3. května 1180, Zlín

DATRIA a.s.  
Author: DATRIA s.r.o.
  • DATRIA s.r.o.

    DATRIA s.r.o.

    Extrusion lines, extruders, MIKROSAN regranulation lines, HAYEUR screws and chambers, POLIMER TECHNICS compounding lines, ENMA crushers and...
    Dašická 1185

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