IPA Slovakia, s.r.o.

We help customers to achieve measurable increase business performance through innovation and process improvement. We develop work teams at the customer, focusing on specific results. We provide a complete range of skills and people skills to get better results also in the form of open seminars, expert programs and conferences.

Assortment / Services


IPA is today one of the strongest consultancy and educational organisations in the area of Industrial Engineering and Lean methods, Six Sigma, Systematic Innovation in Central Europe. Skilled internal lecturers as well as top quality lecturers from significant industrial enterprises are working for us.


We provide a complete programme of the staff development from the level of the senior management positions for standard posts in the companies. Our training is focused on solving practical problems in the company, the individual human development, discovering people’s talent and increasing their motivation.

We prepare and apply a system of testing, evaluating and developing the human potential in business and we also aim at the human development in the intellectual, emotional and physical areas.

Research and Development

  • The Way to Making Your Decision 
  • Procedure
  • References

The area of research and development belongs to the portfolio of each good company. It is an obvious signal which informs about the company’s interest to advance – to grow together with innovations and development of the current product portfolio.

Photo Gallery


Published Articles

IPA Slovakia, s.r.o. presents the Quality Forum conference: Only quality people can produce quality?!

18.7.2022 The inspiring Quality Forum, which will open its doors for the fourth time this year, will traditionally turn into a fountain of ideas, motivation and the search for meaning in what we do. In quality. Although it is used most often at the conference...