Adjustment of injection molding machines (16 hours) Module 8, accredited training
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Oľga Balážová
A – OMEGA s.r.o.
IČO : 35937599, DIČ DPH : SK2022010716
sídlo: Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky
kancelária : Radlinského 2751, 901 01 Malacky
tel.: / fax: 034 / 772 23 36
0911 221 795, 0905 303 291
skype: aomega13
A-OMEGA, s.r.o.
A-OMEGA, ltd. has more than 15-year experience of personnel consulting, organizing consulting, education and project management, more than 6-year...
Ampacet Introduces Low Halogen and Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Masterbatches
3.2.2025 Ampacet, a global masterbatch leader, has introduced Halolite 527 and Halofree 533, low-halogen and halogen-free flame retardant masterbatches, to comply with international standards IEC 61249-2-21 and EN 50642 regulating maximum halogen and...