FORM s.r.o.

FORM Company Ltd. It is a manufacturing and trading company.

The production program is focused on the production:
- Glass (carbon) reinforced composite components
- Vacuum moulding of thermoplastic products
- Composite parts using prepreg technology
- Pallets production tools, models and moulds
- Prefinished varnished surfaces
- Waterjet
- Welding (MAG, TIG, spot welding, studs) according to EN 15085
- Industrial gluing according to DIN 6701


ISO 9001 - Quality management systems,
ISO/TS 16949 - Quality management systems.Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations,
ISO 3834 - Certification of quality management systems for welding

Assortment / Services

Prepreg technology

Vacuum forming themoplastics

Sandwich panels

Production of fibreglass components

Production of models and moulds

Painting of components

Metal fitting

Photo Gallery


Published News
