MOL Group has announced a new investment into propylene production

A new Olefins Conversion Technology (OCT) Unit will be built at MOL Petrochemicals' site in Tiszaújváros. The unit will have a production capacity of 100,000 MTA of polymer grade propylene. The project is expected to be completed in 2023.

MOL Petrochemicals and  McDermott International, Inc. have signed a contract for the basic engineering, technology license, catalyst and Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for an Olefins Conversion Technology (OCT) unit at MOL Petrochemicals' complex in Tiszaújvaros, Hungary. Once complete, this unit will have a production capacity of 100,000 MTA of polymer grade propylene from steam cracker and refinery feedstocks, utilizing Lummus’ proprietary OCT, and CDHydro® Deisobutenizer. The unit will also produce an isobutene-rich stream.

"With this major investment MOL GROUP will realize a flexible monomer producing technology which will further strengthen our competitiveness in the petrochemical industry by reinforcing backward integration in the propylene value chain" - said Zsolt Huff, MOL Group Downstream Production SVP.

Lummus Technology’s OCT is the most economical and commercially proven route to on-purpose propylene production, with very low energy consumption due to its energy-neutral chemistry, and low feedstock consumption due to high selectivity.

Author: SLOVNAFT, a. s.
  • SLOVNAFT, a.s.

    SLOVNAFT, a.s.

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