KURZ at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen, 16 - 20 October 2012
Be there when KURZ presents its latest developments and best practice solutions for plastics decoration at Fakuma! We cordially invite you to visit our trade fair booth A2-2219, where we will show you how you can finish your plastic surfaces with sophisticated designs and innovative functions:
In collaboration with our die and machine manufacturing partners h+m and Baier, we have been perfecting our patented hot stamping process for decorating 3D surfaces. Come and see our new 3DHS machine in action at the KURZ booth.
As a special highlight, we will be demonstrating how plastic parts can be equipped with touch functionality and a surface design in a single injection molding cycle. Our subsidiary PolyIC will present at our booth a demonstration application involving a multi touch display, and a center stack with touch sensor controls and a custom surface design. At our partner booths Sumitomo SHI Demag (B1-1105) and Roth (B5-5314), you will be able to see a live demonstration of the integration of function and design within the injection molding process using a novel combination of Inmold Labeling and Inmold Decoration. KURZ developed the process equipment and mold technology for this innovative process, and we would happy to fill you in on all the exciting details.
We have also extended our Woodgrain on Plastics product range with an exclusive line of especially high-quality wood designs. See for yourself the stunningly realistic appearance of these designs, which fulfill the most stringent requirements on the look and feel of the surface. You can also expect to see some striking new designs in our Brushed Metal and Chrome product lines.
To find out about these and many other new developments, come along and visit us at the KURZ booth. We look forward to seeing you there!
Your LEONHARD KURZ General Plastics Team
Record 330 million euros. Slovnaft's investments were also directed to the modification of technologies for the processing of various types of crude oil
24.2.2025 Skupina SLOVNAFT investovala v roku 2024 do údržby, úprav a modernizácie svojich výrobných zariadení najväčší objem peňazí vo svojej histórii – 330 miliónov eur. Išlo najmä o úpravu technológií z dôvodu diverzifikácie...