FORT-PLASTY s.r.o. will also present its new products at MSV Brno 2021.

The 62nd International Engineering Fair in Brno will open its doors on November 8 - 12, 2021. The company FORT-PLASTY s.r.o., which operates in the field of plastics processing using thermoforming and hot air welding technology, will also be part of this year's fair.

Firma FORT-PLASTY sa vracia, aby predstavila svoj kompletný sortiment a ukázala novinky.

Budeme veľmi radi, keď zavítate na náš stánok číslo 122, ktorý sa bude nachádzať v pavilóne V.

Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu.

Author: Fort - PLASTY s.r.o.

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