All types of plastic packaging in one place - Topstav s.r.o.

Topstav s.r.o. manufactures plastic packaging for industry, foils and bags. They are engaged in the production of LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) and CPP (Polypropylene) films and products from these films (pockets, bags, etc.)

Cieľom spoločnosti je pomáhať našim klientom pri znižovaní nákladov na balenie, čím prispievame k ochrane životného prostredia.

Sortiment spoločnosti:

Obaly pre pekárov

Obaly na textil

Obaly pre automotive

Obaly pre stavbárov

Obaly strojárstvo

LDPE sáčky, vrecia, vrecká

Plastové obálky


Author: Topstav s.r.o.
  • Topstav s.r.o.

    Topstav s.r.o.

    LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) and PP (Polypropylene) foils, plastic foils and bags, PE bags, LDPE and CPP bags, LDPE Foil, packaging foil,...
    kpt. Nálepku 4090

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