KOVOROB, s.r.o.

Šarišská 10/1685, 091 01 Stropkov Show on Map
NIP: 36492965
- Peter Balko, riaditeľ, +421 908 977 892, balko@kovorob.sk
- Ing. Jaroslav Lipták, zástupca riaditeľa, +421 0905 661 393, liptak@kovorob.sk
- Patrik Balko, predaj normálií FCPK, +421 908 837 917, fcpk@kovorob.sk
Company Description
Manufacturing of injection molds for thermoplastics and dies for blow molded bottles. The forms and staple instrument of FCPK Bytów.
ISO 9001
Others Categories, where company is listed (16)
- 1. Accesories for plastics moulds, mouldshop
- 2. Aluminium moulds - Injection Mould Tooling
- 3. Clamping systems
- 4. Cleaning and protection of plastic molds
- 5. Constructions, production of moulds and tools
- 6. Design and construction of injection molds
- 7. Injection moulding
- 8. Moulds for Blowing of Bottles
- 9. Moulds for pressing of Thermosets
- 10. Plastic moulds, Injection moulds
- 11. Separators of plastic moulds
- 12. Service and repair of machinery
- 13. Standard parts for plastic moulds
- 14. Standardized parts, components for molds
- 15. Tempering equipment, Temperature controllers
- 16. Tool-manufacturing tools