DS technic s.r.o.

Kurzova 2222/16, 155 00 Praha Show on Map
NIP: 05880891
VAT: CZ05880891
- Jan Ponížil, jan.ponizil@outlook.com
Company Description
DONGSHIN Hydraulics Ltd. offers a complete portfolio of injection molding machines for more than 50 years (since 1967), we manufacture electric, hydraulic and hybrid injection molding machines with an emphasis on the individual needs of the client, we use our own technologies and components with an emphasis on the guaranteed Korean or European origin of parts. We provide contractually guaranteed production cycle times and provide full service coverage of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The company DS technic s.r.o. offers comprehensive solutions for your company - injection molding machines, automation, service and training. A technology center with service and machine facilities is being built in Central Moravia, where real daily production is operated with the possibility of directly testing your own mold, and subsequent comparison of production times and the overall economy of operation.
We are able to optimize production, post-warranty service and material consultancy on your existing operations, we provide oil management service for any hydraulic injection presses. We develop new technologies and new overall solutions, according to the client's specifications.
Range of products / Services
Injection machines - electric
- GB
- RB
Injection machines - hydraulic
- PR
- KT
- TC
- PL
- BB
- PD
- ET
Injection machines - special
- VR
- CS / VR-H
- VS / VB
- VS-H / VB-H
- intake manifold with actuator
- linear robot pick & place
- linear robot
- robot with arm
- conveyors
- security systems
- mold exchange system
Others Categories, where company is listed (11)
- 1. Automation and robotization of industrial producti
- 2. Conveyors, transport systems
- 3. Industrial automation
- 4. Industrial robots, manipulators
- 5. Injection moulding machines, sale and service
- 6. Machinery & Equipment
- 7. Peripheral equipment
- 8. Plastic processing machines
- 9. Service and repair of machinery
- 10. Service, repair spare parts, upgrade
- 11. Training for injection moulding