HITZE s.r.o.

Nám. Slobody 1258/4, 946 32 Marcelová Show on Map
NIP: 46 884 351
- Csaba Tóth, OZ Slovensko, +421 949 699 791, csaba.toth@hitzeco.com
HITZE BT Show on MapTekercselo u 3/A
Budapest 1211
telephone: 36 1425 2833
fax: 36 1 278 2670
e-mail: info(at)hitze.hu
web: www.hitze.hu
Company Description
Heaters, sensors and temperature controlers for plastic industry.
Range of products / Services
Components Heaters: injection nozzle heaters, Plastic water heaters, heaters with ceramic inserts, plate warmers
Thermosensors: An important part of the injection molding thermocouples
Temperature control: Controllers, Control Unit, Temperature Displays Auxiliaries Heaters forms