A-OMEGA, s.r.o.

Agátová 5525/9, 901 01 Malacky Show on Map
NIP: 35 937 599
VAT: SK2022010716
- Oľga Balážová, Personálny poradca – recruiter, 0905 303 291, a-omega@a-omega.sk
Radlinského 2451
Malacky 901 01
e-mail: a-omega(at)a-omega.sk
web: www.a-omega.sk
Company Description
A-OMEGA, ltd. Is personnel consulting company, which offers for its clients complete service in field of searching, selection and recruitment employees, organizational and development consultancy, for mid-size companies offers external HR management. For long-term partners offers design and realization of HR capacity building educational programs and trainees.
In the cooperation with partner company realizes vocational education for operators and setupers.
Range of products / Services
 Searching, selection, recruitment of employees,
 Recruitment of the temporary staff,
 External HR management,
 Personnel consulting (Personnel and managerial audit, Developing of internal HR management systems, Wage/Bonus Consultancy + setting the internal standards and orders),
 Organizing consulting (Creating of internal regulative legislative environment, Re/organization of work processes - job analyses, Organizing audit),
 Analyses and studies (Employees’ well-being analyses/ fluctuation analyses, Salary benchmarking in selected - job professions and positions),
 Accredited vocational educational programme – “Setting-up of Injection Moulding machines – The Setuper” and “Operating of Injection Moulding Machines – The Operator”.
Case studies:
Carbon infrared emitters dry printed films
Infrared tube ovens temper plastic tubes quickly and efficiently