Croatia-Slovakia business forum to change the date of the 20.05.2010!
Seminar on entrepreneurship in Croatia and cooperation talks with Croatian entrepreneurs.
Kooperačné rokovania budú nasledovať po prednáške o podnikateľskom prostredí v Chorvátsku.
Spoluprácu u nás hľadá a ponúka 35 chorvátskych podnikateľov rôzneho zamerania. Od strojárskeho a stavebného priemyslu, cez potravinársky a poľnohospodársky priemysel, výrobu plastov, kože i kozmetiky.
Slovensko-chorvátske business fórum sa koná 21. 5. 2010 v budove Kerametalu, a.s., zasadacia miestnosť, Jašíkova 2, 826 73 Bratislava. V spolupráci s BRK SOPK ho pripravili Chorvátske veľvyslanectvo v Bratislave s Obchodno-ekonomickým oddelením v Záhrebe a záhrebskou obchodnou komorou.
Viac informácií o slovensko – chorvátskom business fóre nájdete na stránke:
Prípadne prosíme kontaktovať Ing. Ivanu Fajčíková, 02/4829 1247, email:
Interest association of independent legal entities and associated institutions in the field of plastics, consulting for chemical and rubber...
GRAFE: faster testing of effect colors for laminate applications
12.3.2025 GRAFE offers fast effect color testing for laminate applications already in the early development phase. This process saves time, material, and costs in product development for the packaging industry, furniture industry, and consumer goods...
11.3.2025 | ID 19576 -
11.3.2025 | ID 19575 -
Sell: LDPE tubes - toothpaste Regrind 16 T
10.3.2025 | ID 19572 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Sell: PPE Xyron 644Z regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19570 -
Sell: We offer PPO regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19569 -
Sell: HDPE regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19568 -
Sell: Offer PVC - H
10.3.2025 | ID 19567
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19566 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19563 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
5.3.2025 | ID 19548 -
Buy: regrind PA 4.6 ex Stanyl TW 341 natur
20.2.2025 | ID 19492 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
17.2.2025 | ID 19478 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
10.2.2025 | ID 19448 -
Buy: Purchase from operations - Paper and cardboard packaging, foils
29.1.2025 | ID 19405
11.3.2025 | ID 19575 -
Sell: LDPE tubes - toothpaste Regrind 16 T
10.3.2025 | ID 19572 -
Sell: PPE Xyron 644Z regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19570 -
Sell: We offer PPO regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19569 -
Sell: HDPE regrind
10.3.2025 | ID 19568 -
Sell: Offer PVC - H
10.3.2025 | ID 19567 -
Sell: Offer PE - PP CaCO3 Filler Masterbatch.
10.3.2025 | ID 19565 -
Sell: Moisture absorber (Desiccant)
10.3.2025 | ID 19564
External Sales Representative
24.2.2025 | ID 19496 -
Product Manager for spare parts in the industry
20.2.2025 | ID 19491 -
Salesman in the Field of Plastics Recycling (Regranulation) - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19380 -
Molder/Toolmaker - ULSTRUP PLAST s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19377
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