LakoPlast s.r.o

Nerudova 880/6, 400 04 TRMICE Show on Map
- LANDTOVÁ Šárka, provoz plasty, +420777857854,
- HANUSOVÁ Lucie, provoz obrobna, +420777033822,
- SKRIBA Jiří, provoz prášková lakovna, +420777905733,
Company Description
Our portfolio: Injection molding of plastics, metalworking and powder coating. Further: painting work, tooling services, repairs and modifications of injection molds and preparations, milling, grinding parts and assembly work of plastic parts. Production of large series, piece production
ISO 9001
Others Categories, where company is listed (12)
- 1. Automotive Industry - suppliers
- 2. CNC metal machining, metal
- 3. Constructions, production of moulds and tools
- 4. Design and construction of injection molds
- 5. Electronics & Electrical
- 6. Extrusion tools
- 7. Furniture
- 8. Injection molders, plastics converters
- 9. Injection moulding
- 10. Plastic moulds, Injection moulds
- 11. Technical Plastic Parts, moulding products
- 12. Tool-manufacturing tools