Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Window profile"

  • LB PLAST s.r.o.

    LB PLAST s.r.o.

    Recycling, crushing and processing of plastics, removal, collection, purchase and recycling of PVC waste, PVC regrind, PVC dust and PVC regranulate.
    Brehy 459
    Nová Baňa
  • MATEICIUC a. s.

    MATEICIUC a. s.

    Plastic cable protectors, microtubes, plastic pipes, hoses, construction plastic profiles, strips and plastic profiles, strips, end profiles, ETICS...
    Ke Koupališti 370/15
  • Plasted spol.s r.o.

    Plasted spol.s r.o.

    Plastic processing, production of plastic products, production of plastic windows, plastic window profiles, plastic and rubber profiles, plastic...
    Dvorská cesta 3
    Nové Zámky