Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Ultrasonic welding of plastics"

  • Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive, two-component injection molding (2K).
    Milíkov 42
  • ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    ATU Slovakia, spol s r.o.

    Ultrasonic Welding Machine, Hot Plate Welding Machine, Spin Welding Machine, Vibration Welding Machine, Hot Air Welding Machine, IR Welding Machine,...
    Piaristická 276/46
  • BELSON s.r.o.

    BELSON s.r.o.

    Ultrasonic technologies and equipement. Welding, cutting, cleaning.
    Kyjevská 19
  • Branson Ultrasonics, a.s.

    Branson Ultrasonics, a.s.

    Laser welding of plastics, ultrasonic plastic welders, laser welding, surfacing, engraving, friction and vibration welding, vibration plastic welders.
    Piešťanská 1202
    Nové Mesto nad Váhom
  • HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    Manufacture of plastics for the automotive industry, plastic painting, plastic injection moulding, plastic moulding, flocking, technical plastic...
    Jiřice 251
  • IRISA, výrobní družstvo

    IRISA, výrobní družstvo

    The main program is a cooperative pressing and assembly of thermoplastic.
    Jasenická 697
  • Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Production of plastic products for the medical industry, plastic injection, assembly of plastic parts, plastic welding and printing of plastic...
    Herľanská 547
    Vranov nad Topľou
  • MS Ultrasonic Technology Group

    MS Ultrasonic Technology Group

    Ultrasonic welding of plastics, single-purpose equipment and tools, ultrasonic equipment, plastic welders.
    Karlstraße 8 – 20
  • PLASTIKA a.s.

    PLASTIKA a.s.

    It supplies plastic components for industrial applications, plastic moldings, plastic surface treatment, plastic injection, printing of plastic...
    Kaplanova 2830
  • S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    Machines for the production of plastic parts, industrial production automation, assembly workplaces, plastic machines, plastic welding, industrial...
    Sedličná 3093
    Trenčianske Stankovce
  • TVD-Technická výroba, a.s.

    TVD-Technická výroba, a.s.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, plastic injection, production from plastics for the automotive industry, injection molds, molds for...
    Rokytnice 203
  • Ulstrup Plast s.r.o.

    Ulstrup Plast s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, ultrasonic plastic welding, plastic welding, mold design and construction, mold production, tool shops, tool production, mold...
    Stredská 1
  • WITECH PLAST s.r.o.

    WITECH PLAST s.r.o.

    Plastic butt welding, high-frequency plastic welding, ultrasonic plastic welding, plastic welders, plastic profiles, boards, plastic semi-finished...
    Račianska 66
    Bratislava - Vajnory
  • ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    Production of plastic parts, plastic injection, construction, development and production of injection molds, production of laminate tubes, tool shop,...
    Uherskobrodská 119