Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Training of operation and maintenance of machines"

  • KUBOUŠEK s.r.o.

    KUBOUŠEK s.r.o.

    Measuring instruments, injection molding machines, tempering equipment, belt conveyors, cooling systems, mills and granulators, hot runners,...
    Lidická 1937
    České Budějovice
    Top Company
  • MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    MAPRO SLOVAKIA , s.r.o.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Orovnica 230
    Top Company
  • MAPRO Solution a.s.

    MAPRO Solution a.s.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Bystrovany 339
    Top Company
  • A.M. spol. s r.o.

    A.M. spol. s r.o.

    Technology consulting, design and sale of machines and peripheral equipment for the plastics operations, dispensers - gravimetric and volumetric.
    Sladovnická 167
  • BOCO PARDUBICE machines, s.r.o.

    BOCO PARDUBICE machines, s.r.o.

    Extruders, extruders, extrusion, recycling and regranulation lines for plastics processing, screws and chambers, thermal insulation blankets.
    Čepí 1
  • Dílna, spol. s r.o.

    Dílna, spol. s r.o.

    Pad printing, marking of plastics, pad printing machines, industrial systems Printing International, development, construction and sale of pad...
    K Žižkovu 9/640
    Praha 9 – Vysočany
  • ESINTE s.r.o.

    ESINTE s.r.o.

    Injection molding machine LG, LS Mtron injection molding machines - sales, service, industrial robots, WEMO Automation manipulators, industrial...
    Dolní novosadská 41/26
  • IPA Slovakia, s.r.o.

    IPA Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Consulting for plastic and rubber production, accredited education in the field of plastics, training of operation and maintenance of machines,...
    Predmestská 8600/95
  • Narran s.r.o.

    Narran s.r.o.

    Sales and service of lasers, laser cleaning, laser cutting, audit consulting and laser work training.
    Bayerova 802/33
    Brno – střed
  • Plasty Gabriel s.r.o.

    Plasty Gabriel s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, plastic injection analysis, software Cadmould for analysis and optimization of plastic injection, plastic injection simulation.
    Mezihoří 262
    Moravské Knínice
  • S.D.A. s.r.o.

    S.D.A. s.r.o.

    S.D.A. s.r.o. supplies components of automation technology sensors, drives, robots, safety components, organizes training and inspections of machines...
    Jána Bottu 4
    Banská Bystrica
  • technology-support s.r.o.

    technology-support s.r.o.

    CAD/CAM supplies for CNC machine tools, CAD/CAM solution GibbsCAM and Cimatron, CAD solution ZW3D, high-pressure and high-volume cooling.
    Dusíkova 1597/19
    Praha 6
  • TOPMES s.r.o.

    TOPMES s.r.o.

    Products and services in the field of metrology and 3D measurement, sales and service of measuring equipment, machine repair, custom measurement,...
    Štěrboholská 44
    Praha 10
  • Vstřikovací systémy pro plast s.r.o.

    Vstřikovací systémy pro plast s.r.o.

    Injection molding machine, Woojin Plaimm injection machines, Wetec and Yudo industrial robots, peripheral devices, granulate dryers and suckers,...
    Nádražní ulice č. 1