Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Technical Plastic Parts, moulding products"

  • Slavík - technické plasty s.r.o.

    Slavík - technické plasty s.r.o.

    CNC plastic machining, plastic prototypes, plastic welding, plastic semi-finished products, plastic profiles, plastic plates, PE, LDPE, HDPE rods,...
    Hlučínská 91/47
    Top Company
  • AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.

    AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.

    Pressing of plastic products, plastic parts, car interiors, center consoles, decking, storage spaces, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings.
    Priemyselný park - Tupá časť Chorvatice 261
  • Alfa Plastik, a.s.

    Alfa Plastik, a.s.

    Plastic moldings from 100 g to 5 000 g, beverage crates, food crates, storage containers and boxes, plastic packaging and containers.
    Opavská 45
  • Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive, two-component injection molding (2K).
    Milíkov 42
  • Berry Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Berry Slovakia, s.r.o.

    Production of plastic packaging, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, tool shop, tool shop, plastic closures, lids, caps, plastic canisters,...
    Okočská 74
    Veľký Meder
  • CRW Slovakia, s.r.o.

    CRW Slovakia, s.r.o.

    CRW Slovakia,s.r.o. prides itself as one of the leaders in bringing flexible sophisticated and complete "End-To-End" solutions to fabrication of the...
    Drevárska 2
    Spišská Nová Ves
  • DE-SK, s.r.o.

    DE-SK, s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, production of plastic moldings, production of plastic prototypes, assembly and completion of plastic products, light glue traps.
    Sad SNP 8
  • Elektroplast výrobné družstvo Prešov

    Elektroplast výrobné družstvo Prešov

    Production of plastic products, injection, vacuuming of plastics, plastic technical moldings, household goods.
    Gregorovce 229
  • Ensinger s.r.o.

    Ensinger s.r.o.

    Technical plastics, plastic semi-finished products, rods, tubes and plates, blasting and CNC machining of plastics, plastic injection, plastic...
    Průmyslová 991
  • ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    ETK s.r.o. - Foam division

    Foam semi-finished products from plastics, custom production from plastics, hermoforming, pressforming of PE foam, thermal, vacuum, rotational...
    Skřivánčí 9a
    Jablonec nad Nisou
  • FORM s.r.o.

    FORM s.r.o.

    Glass-reinforced plastics, fiberglass, thermoplastic products, painting of plastic products, metal production and assembly of products.
    Horní Lideč 293
    Horní Lideč
  • FORMA PLAST, k.s.

    FORMA PLAST, k.s.

    Plastic products, injection molding of technical plastics, PVC products, technical moldings, plastic caps, protective caps, plastic injection.
    Stakčínska 759/9
  • Formy Tachov s.r.o.

    Formy Tachov s.r.o.

    Plastic injection tools. Development, design, manufacture, sale, repair and service of plastic injection tools up to 20 tonnes for the automotive...
    Oldřichov 82


    Injection molding of plastics, production of plastic products, small- and large-scale production of plastics, plastic semi-finished products.
    Továrenská 1479
  • GUMOTEX, akciová společnost

    GUMOTEX, akciová společnost

    GUMOTEX is a well-known company in the field of plastics processing with a focus on products manufactured with polyurethane or EPP foam bases and on...
    Mládežnická 3062/3a
  • Hi-Technology Mouldings Slovakia s.r.o.

    Hi-Technology Mouldings Slovakia s.r.o.

    Injection moulding, technical plastic parts, design of plastic moldings, production of injection molds, assembly of plastic components.
    Bahýľova 1704
  • HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    Manufacture of plastics for the automotive industry, plastic painting, plastic injection moulding, plastic moulding, flocking, technical plastic...
    Jiřice 251
  • HORZ spol. s r.o.

    HORZ spol. s r.o.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, mold design and construction, mold production, plastic injection, plastic molding, plastic injection...
    Na Lučinách 541
    Proboštov u Teplic
  • IMS-Drašnar s.r.o.

    IMS-Drašnar s.r.o.

    Plastic products for automotive, development of plastic products, production of injection molds, assembly of plastic moldings, tool shop - production...
    Semanínská 2090
    Česká Třebová
  • INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop.
    areál NAVOS, ul.Rakvická 862
  • INTROPLAST, a.s.

    INTROPLAST, a.s.

    Plastic moldings for automotive, technical plastic parts, moldings for healthcare and chemical industry, moldings for garden equipment and others.
    Priemyselná 281/41
  • JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    Plastic components for the automotive, electronic and industrial markets, plastic molding, assembly, painting, PVD plastic coating, production of...
    Matúškovo č. 913
  • K-Plast, v.d.

    K-Plast, v.d.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, plastic parts for automotive, plastic molding, surface treatment, plastic injection, plastic processing.
    Školská ul. 36
    Nová Baňa
  • KMS-PT, s.r.o.

    KMS-PT, s.r.o.

    NONOILEN processing, biodegradable compostable plastic, biodegradable plastic on injection molding machines, bioplastics, technical plastic parts,...
    K Surdoku 5/A
  • Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Production of plastic products for the medical industry, plastic injection, assembly of plastic parts, plastic welding and printing of plastic...
    Herľanská 547
    Vranov nad Topľou
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