Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Pre-assembly, final assembly"



    Extrusion and coextrusion of pipes and profiles, plastic profiles, boards, rods and others, profiles of plastics and rubber, rubbers, tubes,...
    IBC, Pobřežní 3
    Praha 8
  • AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.

    AIS Automotive Interior Systems Slovakia s.r.o.

    Pressing of plastic products, plastic parts, car interiors, center consoles, decking, storage spaces, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings.
    Priemyselný park - Tupá časť Chorvatice 261
  • Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Anton Clemens s.r.o.

    Plastic injection molding, production of injection molds, plastic products for automotive, two-component injection molding (2K).
    Milíkov 42
  • CRW Slovakia, s.r.o.

    CRW Slovakia, s.r.o.

    CRW Slovakia,s.r.o. prides itself as one of the leaders in bringing flexible sophisticated and complete "End-To-End" solutions to fabrication of the...
    Drevárska 2
    Spišská Nová Ves
  • DE-SK, s.r.o.

    DE-SK, s.r.o.

    Plastic injection, production of plastic moldings, production of plastic prototypes, assembly and completion of plastic products, light glue traps.
    Sad SNP 8
  • Extruindustrie CR s.r.o.

    Extruindustrie CR s.r.o.

    Extrusion of plastics, production of plastic profiles, plastic profiles, boards, rods and others, plastic and rubber profiles, technical profiles.
    Průmyslová 505
    Ždírec nad Doubravou
  • Hi-Technology Mouldings Slovakia s.r.o.

    Hi-Technology Mouldings Slovakia s.r.o.

    Injection moulding, technical plastic parts, design of plastic moldings, production of injection molds, assembly of plastic components.
    Bahýľova 1704
  • HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    Manufacture of plastics for the automotive industry, plastic painting, plastic injection moulding, plastic moulding, flocking, technical plastic...
    Jiřice 251
  • HORZ spol. s r.o.

    HORZ spol. s r.o.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, mold design and construction, mold production, plastic injection, plastic molding, plastic injection...
    Na Lučinách 541
    Proboštov u Teplic
  • IMS-Drašnar s.r.o.

    IMS-Drašnar s.r.o.

    Plastic products for automotive, development of plastic products, production of injection molds, assembly of plastic moldings, tool shop - production...
    Semanínská 2090
    Česká Třebová
  • INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    INCOT PLASTIC s.r.o.

    Production of plastic moldings, design of plastic parts, production of injection molds, plastic injection, plastic molding, tool shop.
    areál NAVOS, ul.Rakvická 862
  • IRISA, výrobní družstvo

    IRISA, výrobní družstvo

    The main program is a cooperative pressing and assembly of thermoplastic.
    Jasenická 697
  • JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    Plastic components for the automotive, electronic and industrial markets, plastic molding, assembly, painting, PVD plastic coating, production of...
    Matúškovo č. 913
  • Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Knudsen Plast, s.r.o.

    Production of plastic products for the medical industry, plastic injection, assembly of plastic parts, plastic welding and printing of plastic...
    Herľanská 547
    Vranov nad Topľou
  • Linaset a.s.

    Linaset a.s.

    Production of injection moulds for thermoplastics and thermosets, products technical moulded parts for the automotive and other industries, final...
    Československé armády 362
    Budišov nad Budišovkou
  • Nanogate Slovakia,  s. r. o.

    Nanogate Slovakia, s. r. o.

    Injection of plastics, analysis of manufacturability, design of components, design of alternative materials and technologies, production of injection...
    Staničná 502
  • OBZOR, výrobní družstvo Zlín

    OBZOR, výrobní družstvo Zlín

    Development and production of injection molds and tools, plastic injection, electrotechnical plastic products, switches, assembly of products.
    Na Slanici 378
  • OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    OSMOS Plastics s. r. o.

    Plastic injection molding, plastic moldings, material repainting, printing - TAMPOPRINT, quality control, assembly and packaging.
    Pečnianska 31
    Bratislava - mestská časť Petržalka
  • PLASTIKA a.s.

    PLASTIKA a.s.

    It supplies plastic components for industrial applications, plastic moldings, plastic surface treatment, plastic injection, printing of plastic...
    Kaplanova 2830
  • Plastimax Tech s.r.o.

    Plastimax Tech s.r.o.

    Development, production, construction of plastic parts, tools, injection molds, maintenance and repair of injection molds, CAD product design.
    Hořátev 122
  • S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    S2E Slovakia, s. r. o.

    Machines for the production of plastic parts, industrial production automation, assembly workplaces, plastic machines, plastic welding, industrial...
    Sedličná 3093
    Trenčianske Stankovce
  • Sigmaplast a.s.

    Sigmaplast a.s.

    Technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, plastic parts for automotive, plastic injection, plastic pressing.
    Průmyslová 595
    Liberec 23
  • SLER Plastic s.r.o.

    SLER Plastic s.r.o.

    Plastic molding, plastic injection, plastic plating, technical plastic parts, plastic extrusions, plastic parts for the automotive industry.
    Strojnícka 14215/11J
  • Symtex Brno s.r.o.

    Symtex Brno s.r.o.

    Industrial automation, maintenance of machinery and equipment, plastic welding, automation and robotization of industrial production, construction of...
    Králova 279/9
  • Tecmaplast CZ, s.r.o.

    Tecmaplast CZ, s.r.o.

    Plastic molding plant, plastic injection plant, plastic production for the automotive industry, technical plastic parts, plastic moldings, 2K...
    Kněžnice 125
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