Company Catalogue
Company Catalogue by by category "Plastic Pallets"
Paletten trade spol.s r.o.
EUR pallets, EPAL pallets, euro pallets, Gitterboxes, wooden pallets, plastic pallets, bulk boxes / bigboxes, plastic packaging, plastic transport... -
PK Group 2016 s.r.o.
Plastic crates, euro crates, crate carts, plastic barrels, canisters, thermoboxes, plastic pallets and big boxes. -
Schoeller Allibert Czech Republic s.r.o.
Plastic tanks, plastic containers, plastic pallets, plastic crates, plastic waste containers, pallet boxes, plastic transport packaging, bulk boxes /... -
The company owns a basic profile. -
TBA Plastové obaly s.r.o.
Transport, handling and storage packaging, plastic crates, Euro crates, pallet boxes, plastic pallets, plastic bottles, canisters, barrels,... -
TOPlast, a.s.
Recovery of plastic waste, plastic recycling, plastic profiles, recycled plastic products, plastic furniture, technical profiles, plastic fences.