Company Catalogue

Company Catalogue by by category "Painting of the plastics"

  • FORM s.r.o.

    FORM s.r.o.

    Glass-reinforced plastics, fiberglass, thermoplastic products, painting of plastic products, metal production and assembly of products.
    Horní Lideč 293
    Horní Lideč
  • HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    HOEKO-Automotive s.r.o.

    Manufacture of plastics for the automotive industry, plastic painting, plastic injection moulding, plastic moulding, flocking, technical plastic...
    Jiřice 251
  • JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    JASPLASTIK-SK spol. s r.o.

    Plastic components for the automotive, electronic and industrial markets, plastic molding, assembly, painting, PVD plastic coating, production of...
    Matúškovo č. 913


    Technical and aesthetic moldings made of thermoplastics, production of injection molds for thermoplastics, surface treatment of parts, realization of...
    Pod dolami 838
    Vranov nad Topľou
  • Okula Nýrsko a.s.

    Okula Nýrsko a.s.

    Major European manufacturer of plastic technical mouldings for the electrical, automotive and pharmaceutical industries, production of moulds and...
    Klostermannova 53
  • PLASTIKA a.s.

    PLASTIKA a.s.

    It supplies plastic components for industrial applications, plastic moldings, plastic surface treatment, plastic injection, printing of plastic...
    Kaplanova 2830